Sleep Issues

Unless due to physical pain, most sleep issues including insomnia are due to an overactive thinking mind at the time of sleep.

Waking up during sleep, including night terrors, is often due to a past issue or future concern expressing itself in your dreams.

We will ask your subconscious to release any anxiety, fear or stress stored in the body and mind. This has a profound positive impact on any physical pain, as well as silencing the thoughts.

We then ask your subconscious to help us find and change the flavour of any past or future worries so they no longer seem dramatic, and then ask for guidance moving forward.

We will finish with a special code word and self-hypnosis practice that you can use to relax any time or allow yourself to fall asleep.

Book your session today. Click here!

Stress and Anxiety

Stress is caused by an overactive fight-flight-freeze response while anxiety is caused by an overactive thinking mind.

When we repeatedly relive negative past events, or worry about potential similar future outcomes, we even start to identify with such scenarios and begin to expect outcomes to be negative.

The world today is also extremely uncertain and our fight-flight-freeze amygdala was never designed to handle this amount of ongoing stress.

We will ask your subconscious to help us release any stored worries, concerns, fears, doubts and stress, relieving all tension in the body, relaxing the thinking, and ending any panic attacks.

Your own subconscious will then help us change the flavour of any significant worries you have so they no longer seem dramatic. We will ask for guidance moving forward and finish with a special code word self-hypnosis that you can use to relax any time.

Book your session today. Click here!

Fears and Phobias

Fear occurs when we imagine a deeply negative outcome when thinking about a specific situation, person or scenario, and it can be debilitating. A phobia is a debilitating fear that seems irrational, such as a fear of spiders or flying.

The cause of fears or phobias may not always be known to us, or what we think it is. Your own subconscious can take you into the past to objectively see where the fear or phobia originates.

The subconscious helps us to do this peacefully, quickly, safely, and even humorously, while we change the flavour of the fear or phobia at the root, so it no longer seems so important.

We will also ask your subconscious to release any other worries, concerns, doubts or anxiety. This relieves tension in the body, relaxes the mind, and can end panic attacks or any other physical or emotional conditions caused by the stored internal stress.

Book your session today. Click here!

Sadness and Depression

Sadness occurs when something happened that we did not want, such as feeling grief due to saying good-bye to a loved one.

Depression occurs when that said event, or a collection of past events, creates a feeling of hopelessness about the future.

When we are sad or depressed, we also tend to be more self-critical and feelings like self-blame or worthlessness can arise.

The cause of our sadness or depression is not always known to us, or what we think it is. Your own subconscious can help you go into the past to objectively see where it stems from, and let it go.

We also change the flavour of events, remove the drama, and increase other feelings like joy, happiness, self-love, confidence, positivity and optimism.

We will also ask for guidance moving forward, and release all stored internal stress, leaving you feeling relaxed and worry free.

Book your session today. Click here!

Anger Management

Anger is release; it occurs when something happened we did not want, and we lack other strategies to deal with the frustration.

Your own subconscious will help us to release all this frustration, and any other internal stress. Then we go into your past to objectively see where the anger stems from, and let that go.

We can peacefully, quickly, safely, and even humorously, change the flavour of past events, so they no longer feel dramatic, and increase other feelings like peace, calm, joy, self-love, confidence, positivity and optimism.

We then ask your own subconscious to find the best alternative strategy for you to de-stress, ask for further guidance moving forward, and finish with a special code word self-hypnosis that you can use to quickly relax at any time.

Book your session today. Click here!

Smoking / Addictions

Smoking, and other addictive behaviours like gambling, shopping, chasing sex, binging on TV, video games, social media, and the addiction to work, began as a coping strategy for past stress.

The behaviour in question stimulated a positive chemical buzz that the subconscious identified as stress relief. The problem is that being addicted means having no control over the activity.

The cause of the addiction is not always known to us, or what we think it is. Your own subconscious can help you go into the past to objectively see where the addiction originally stems from.

We can then change the flavour of these trigger events, replace the addiction with the best alternative strategy for you in the future, and put in suggestions if you want to stop completely.

We will also ask for guidance moving forward and release all stored internal stress, leaving you feeling relaxed and worry free.

Book your session today. Click here!

Weight Loss / Diet

Unless genetic or due to some medical condition, weight gain is typically due to comfort eating, overeating, or unhealthy eating, as well as physical inactivity.

These eating behaviours began as a coping strategy for past stress. Your own subconscious can help you go into the past to objectively see where the behaviour originally stems from.

We can then change the flavour of these trigger events, put in suggestions to select eating healthy foods instead, and create an imaginary gastric band that will discourage overeating.

We can also put in suggestions to do more exercise, ask your subconscious to find a better alternative strategy for stress, and release all current stress, leaving you relaxed and worry free.

Book your session today. Click here!

Trauma / PTSD

Trauma is caused by continually reliving in our minds, or hiding away, any emotionally devastating event or events in our past.

Without effective tools to deal with this intense build up of stress, one extra traumatic event can lead to breaking point, or PTSD.

We will ask your subconscious to help you heal by peacefully allowing all negative images, feelings, thoughts and emotions to completely release, letting go of all that stored internal stress.

This amount of relief can have a profound positive physical and emotional impact, as the entire heavy backpack of drama is lifted.

We can then safely change the flavour of past traumatic events, and fully increase positive emotions like joy, happiness, self-love, confidence, peace, positivity and optimism.

We will also ask for guidance, and finish with a special code word self-hypnosis practice that you can use to de-stress any time.

Book your session today. Click here!

Physical Conditions / Pain

A great deal of medical conditions, or physical problems, can be a manifestation of emotionally stored internal stress within the body, or made worse by unresolved stored stress.

Your own subconscious can remove or reduce medical issues and physical pain when the cause is psychosomatic, partially psychosomatic, or when the doctors cannot identify the cause.

We will ask your subconscious to peacefully release all stored internal stress; this can end symptoms of endless conditions, such as psoriasis, eczema, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, tinnitus, stomach ulcers, IBS, anorexia, bulimia, obesity, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, diabetes, parosmia, asthma, all stress-related pain, and even heart disease.

We can then remove any remaining physical or emotional pain, increase positive emotions, ask for guidance moving forward, and end with a special code word self-hypnosis to de-stress any time.

Book your session today. Click here!

Direction and Purpose

That inner state of knowing has many names: intuition, soul, guiding light. It is our subconscious, and if we are distracted from our own internal guidance system, we feel lost.

We will explore your current direction by getting insights from your own subconscious on changes you could make today to be in better alignment with your own inner passions and purpose.

We will ask your own subconscious to show you the most important information for you to learn from moving forward, and your own internal hard drive will pull out the insights you need to see.

We will clear any stress so information and energy is flowing freely internally. You will visit forgotten memories, physically hold your younger self, visit people and places from times past, see potential future outcomes, and take away tools to stay connected and in your flow.

Book your session today. Click here!

Creativity and Inspiration

Endless possibilities unfold like a magical story when we dream. The subconscious is the holder of and gateway to increased inspiration.

Visit past lives to receive messages for better alignment today. Discover the space between lives and experience oneness with everything.

See future potential outcomes based on current options. Explore future lives and experience spaceships, other worlds and even alien life forms.

Your own subconscious can take you anywhere you would like to go to do anything you would like to experience, and even to those states of euphoria and bliss experienced in tantra energy work and the deepest levels of meditation.

You will clear all stress so information and energy is flowing freely internally, ask for inspiration, guidance and healing on areas in your life, and take away tools to stay connected and in your flow.

Book your session today. Click here!

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